Thursday, November 22, 2007

Niños y perros

When I first bought my plane ticket to South America, I fully intended to kidnap a little Latin baby.

I have since changed my mind.

The children here, at best, are little monsters. They run around, un-hushed by a parental or grand-parental unit. They stay up past midnight, and are generally louder than your average American child.

Argentine dogs, on the other hand, even stray dogs, are the most well-behaved critters I have yet to set eyes on. Yes, they shit on the sidewalks and in the street. Gross. But they are wily little guys. Most are mangy-looking, some even beyond the help of a clean household and nice family. But beneath that shabby "fur" they`ve got a good head upon their shoulders. For example, they look both ways before crossing the road. Sometimes, they even wait for the light to change from red to green. I might become an animal lover.


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